Tonight, I’m getting in the Way Back Machine to travel to 2012!
As the finale of their 20-21 season, Justice Theater Project is offering a filmed version of FINDING MY VOICE written and performed by the lovely Lee Galbreath.
In 2012-2013, Cheryl Chamblee and I worked with Lee as creativity coaches on this piece — providing accountability, writing prompts, production assignments, and encouragement. We were not the only people on Lee’s team, of course, but we were active witnesses as the piece coalesced from spark to first/second/third/fourth draft. By 2012, Cheryl and I had produced many plays of our own as both hands theatre company, so we were able to coach and strategize with Lee about self-producing in addition to script-writing. It was an honor to spend time with Lee and it’s been amazing to see her work again after so many years. (info: http://www.thejusticetheaterproject.org/finding-my-voice)
Now we get to talk about ALL of that tomorrow night on FB Live!
It’s a little CSI Theatre — as we try to reconstruct what happened so many years ago — but I am thrilled to be chatting with these wonderful artists, and I still firmly believe in this type of new play development.
You’ll see that deets below. Join if you can, and add in your two cents!
Hugs and hope you are stayin’ cool….
Tonight (MONDAY!) join us at 7 p.m. for a Facebook Live discussion.
Join FINDING MY VOICE playwright and actress Lee Galbreath, with Tamara Kissane, and Cheryl Chamblee for a conversation about their work as creativity coaches on FINDING MY VOICE. Going from an idea to the fruition of the idea — dissecting inspiration, motivation, and discipline, and the push to implementation. All working to support the playwrights’ strongest artistic intuitions.
Moderated by Justice Theatre Project’s Jorie Slodki
FREE. Facebook Live. Monday, June 7th at 7:00 pm on The Justice Theater Project’s Facebook page.
How important is collaboration in creating your authentic story? Lee Galbreath partnered with Tamara Kissane and Cheryl Chamblee when creating FINDING MY VOICE. Join them as they discuss the process.