Let’s start with a fill in the blank. Theatre’s NOT dead, theatre IS ______________.
What did you fill in? How did you finish that sentence? I’m so curious. Send me your answers and let me know.
In this episode, I spoke with just the right person to fill in that blank, Keyanna Alexander, the host of Theatre’s NOT Dead.
Theatre’s NOT Dead is a live streaming talk show on YouTube that updates every Tuesday. On TND, Keyanna and her guests discuss the transition of virtual theatre and the intersectionality of identity and arts advocacy.
In our conversation, you’ll hear Keyanna talk about the inception, aspirations, and production of Theatre’s Not Dead, what it’s like to be the host of a talk show, what she learns from her guests, and her thoughts on the future of theatre.
As a side note, I was featured on TND shortly after Keyanna and I recorded this conversation for Artist Soapbox. I’m super grateful for being a guest on TND and I hope I added something valuable about writing during a pandemic during my chattering on. If you’ve only ever listened to my voice, then pop over and see my actual face talking on a screen. I was buzzing with adrenaline and three cups of coffee so… whew! While you are there, check out all the TND episodes on YouTube because the previous guests have been amazing.

Keyanna Alexander (She/Her) is a freelance theatre maker, focusing on directing, streaming and playwriting. She is excited to return to the screen as an actor! When Keyanna isn’t watching anime, you can find her serving as the Associate Artistic Director of Women’s Theatre Festival, the Vice Chair of the Southeastern Theatre Conference Women+ in Theatre Committee, and the Assistant Director of Logistics for the National Black Theatre Festival. She discusses the transition of virtual theatre and the intersectionality of identity and arts advocacy through her talk show, Theatre’s NOT Dead with Keyanna Alexander, which updates every Tuesday on YouTube.
Writing in a Pandemic: Tamara Kissane (Theatre’s Not Dead with Keyanna Alexander)
082: Arts journalism, podcasting, and RDU on Stage with Lauren Van Hemert

Transcript of this episode available upon request. Please reach out to artistsoapbox@gmail.com.
We are hard at work here in Artist Soapbox land, launching into 2021 with projects a plenty. I’ll share when I’m able, but be assured that much is percolating behind the scenes. It’s 2021, I am slowing down the podcast episodes, but I still have many to come this year. Please stay subscribed on your podcast platform of choice and follow ASBX on the socials and at artistsoapbox.org so you know as soon as fresh audio goodness drops.
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Declaration of Love audio anthology
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