Artist Soapbox begins the year with Hokis, poet and deep thinker. Listen in and find encouragement and support, practical tips to guide your creative process, great vulnerability, and a generous sprinkling of inspiration. This is a grownup and roving conversation that touches on grief, the death of a parent, adoption, sexual trauma, identity, creative evolution or revolution, and importantly…how to write when it’s messy and when you must. Thanks to Hokis for leaving it all on the table.

Hokis is an American poet of Armenian descent. She is founder and Senior Editor of Headline Poetry & Press, and her work is widely available digitally and in print- most recently in Indi(e) Blue’s “As the World Burns” and the Gloucester Poetry Festival’s anthology “Pandemic Poetry 2020.” Hokis’s debut collection, “OnBecoming: Aesthetic Evolution of this Rising Ancestor” is available on For more information, visit
Mention: The Radiolab’s podcast episode on The Beauty Puzzle (aesthetic evolution)
Transcript of this episode available upon request. Please reach out to
We are hard at work here in Artist Soapbox land, launching into 2021 with projects a plenty. I’ll share when I’m able, but be assured that much is percolating behind the scenes. It’s 2021, I am slowing down the podcast episodes, but I still have many to come this year. Please stay subscribed on your podcast platform of choice and follow ASBX on the socials and at so you know as soon as fresh audio goodness drops.
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Declaration of Love audio anthology
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