Under the right circumstances and with the right people for me, creative collaboration is my happiest happy place.
This is the second of two ASBX episodes about writing scripted audio fiction collaboratively. You’ll hear from the Soapbox Audio Collective Writing Team 2 that includes Allan Maule, Ian Finley and me, Tamara Kissane. Together we’re writing The Last Glacier Hotel.
This episode and the previous one are windows into our collaborative writing process and include things we learned, tips for other writers who might want to try this, and tantalizing details about the stories of Jesus Pancake and The Last Glacier Hotel. (Transcript available upon request. Reach out to artistsoapbox@gmail.com)

Allan Maule is a Durham-based playwright and writer with more than twelve years of writing experience for the stage and digital media. Favorite productions of his plays include EverScape (NYC Fringe 2015 and Sonorous Road Theater), Two Late (Carrboro Arts Center 10×10 Festival), Tales and Fermentations (Seed Art Share), and Framing the Shot (Sonorous Road Theater). Allan also worked as a video game writer and voice director on the online RPG Fallen Earth and the serious games GE2050 and Uptick. Allan is a graduate of Duke University and holds a masters in performance studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ian Finley holds an MFA in Dramatic Writing from the Tisch School at New York University. In 2012, he was named the Piedmont Laureate in the field of Playwriting and Screenwriting by the arts councils of central North Carolina. He is the author of many plays, you’ll see them listed in the show notes including: The Nature of the Nautilus (winner of the Kennedy Center’s Jean Kennedy Smith Award), And There Was War in Heaven (finalist for the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference), Native, The Greeks, 1960, Jude the Obscure, Suspense, A Perfect Negroni, 11:50, the Our Histories cycle of site-specific plays for Burning Coal and the First Night site-specific plays for Seed Art Share.
ASBX Episodes:
132: Collaborative Writing 1: Jesus Pancake
121: Measuring the mass of a rom-com. Structure, process, and science with playwright Allan Maule.
105: Art and education in times of crisis with Ian Finley, playwright and educator
Declaration of Love audio anthology
Artist Soapbox on social media:
Twitter: @artist_soapbox
Instagram: @artistsoapbox