014: Rose Werth, founding partner of Mettlesome, advocates for clarity, safe space, and the collective

Mettlesome, “a Durham based performance and production collective,” was a winner of the 2017 Indies Arts Awards awarded by Indyweek. Rose Werth, one of the founding partners and stakeholders, outlines the thoughtful planning process to develop the infrastructure of the collective, the types of Projects Proposals they seek from area artists, why Mettlesome doesn’t consider itself to be solely a comedy theatre, and Mettlesome’s plans for 2018 and beyond. Get inspired!

Rose Werth is a performer, actor, storyteller, and producer based in Durham, NC. She is a founding partner and stakeholder of Mettlesome. For the last several years, she has performed in shows in North Carolina and across the country with local theater and improv companies. When she is not performing Rose works as a research analyst at a local nonprofit research institute. No matter what she is doing, her passion is and will always be for telling truth through story.

Correction: Mettlesome currently has THREE and not two partners (Tamara’s mistake!). They are: Rose Werth, Ashley Melzer, and Jack Reitz.

Mettlesome events and mentions:

Indyweek article: With the Comedy World’s Toxic Culture on National Notice, Mettlesome is a New Kind of Organization for a New South by Katie Jane Fernelius

Clarified Butter (podcast)

Hush Hush (Fullsteam on Weds)

WIT (improv game show, Jan 13)

Mettlesome Lab (classes)

Golden Age

Back room Shakespeare

Image Comics

This episode is brought to you by the Soapboxers, the official patrons of the Artist Soapbox. If you like these episodes and want more, get on the Soapbox! Podcast recorded at Shadowbox Studio in Durham, NC.

Time break-down:

[0:00] Episode intro and Rose Werth’s bio

[1:15] Mettlesome won an Indy award — yay! What was the reaction and what does Rose hope that recognition will do for the collective?

[3:13] Reluctance to categorize Mettlesome as solely a comedy theatre

[4:41] What does “a New South” mean to Mettlesome?

[6:11] Rose’s background and how she came to Mettlesome

[11:07] The organizational structure and infrastructure of Mettlesome. How did these components develop and why? (Values, constitution, code of conduct, clarity, stakeholder board, safe and welcoming space for artists, giving creative artists the rights to their work)

[17:30] Examples of Mettlesome projects: Hush Hush, WIT, Golden Age

[21:03] Mettlesome org con’t: terms like Partners, Stakeholders, Captains, Sponsors

[24:48] Balance and growth: How will the people of Mettlesome balance the growth of this company (personally and as an organization)? What will 2018 bring?

[31:02] Are there particular types of projects that Mettlesome is looking for when artists submit Project Proposals?

[34:27] Rose is a WIT WINNER! Hear about Powerpoint Karaoke, her trophy, and her admiration for opponent Alex James.

[37:44] Mettlesome’s podcast, Clarified Butter.

[39:03] Thanks and sign-off

Artist Soapbox podcast is a listener supported podcast. If you listen, please support the podcast by sharing episodes with friends and contributing via our Patreon campaign.

If you have feedback, questions, suggestions, please email artistsoapbox@gmail.com. FEEDBACK IS EVERYTHING TO ASBX.

Artist Soapbox

Artist Soapbox is a platform for original scripted audio fiction and an opportunity for artists to discuss their creative work in their own voices. We do this through our interview podcast, our blog, live events, and original audio dramas.

Artist Soapbox is an anti-racist organization. We believe Black Lives Matter. In addition, as a podcast production company, ASBX has signed the Equality in Audio Pact on Broccoli Content.

Artist Soapbox is more than just a podcast.

We lead writers groups, accountability support, workshops, and events. We produce and create audio dramas too! Listen to the Master BuilderThe New Colossus Audio Drama, Jesus Pancake, Declaration of Love, Food for Thought, and ASBX Shorts. Stay tuned to hear about more projects written by the Soapbox Audio Collective Writers’ Group.

Audio Dramas

Jesus (1400 × 1400 px)-2

Jesus Pancake

Jesus Pancake is the newest scripted audio fiction series from Artist Soapbox. Nine episodes of zany dark comedy.


The New Colossus

The New Colossus Audio Drama is a totally unhinged dark comedy reboot of Anton Chekhov’s classic play, THE SEAGULL.


Master Builder

This audio drama was adapted from Tamara’s 2018 stage play produced by Little Green Pig Theatrical Concern and inspired by Henrick Ibsen’s classic, The Master Builder published in 1892.


Declaration of Love

Co-producers Aurelia Belfield and Tamara Kissane of Artist Soapbox commissioned eleven NC playwrights to craft short audio scenes based on the prompt “Declaration of Love.”


Food for Thought

Three pilot episodes of new scripted audio fiction series inspired by the prompt Food for Thought.


ASBX Shorts

ASBX Shorts are six short audio fiction pieces created and produced by North Carolina artists. Artist Soapbox Shorts were specifically contributed by the artists to aid in fundraising and to get everyone excited about Jesus Pancake, our new audio fiction series in development.

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