We have 13 days left in our Indiegogo fundraising campaign, and we are 5% funded. If you’ve been delaying your support, please act now.
Once we have a sense of our true budget, we can extend offers to actors and the production team. We are excited to get this party started!
Contribute to our Jesus Pancake Indiegogo Campaign!
More Info
Jesus Pancake is a nine episode audio fiction series collaboratively written by the Soapbox Audio Collective, a team of writers based in North Carolina.
Microwaves, family secrets, spiders, friendship, and the Power of the Pancake converge in this dark comedy about a middle-aged woman reckoning with her power for the first time. Aimee is intrigued when a pancake she makes looks just like Jesus, until she realizes something truly profound and dangerous is at work.
The first season of Jesus Pancake includes 32 characters, almost 4 hours of content, original music, and lots of quirkiness. Forty two artists will be involved in this production (including production staff, designers, writers, and actors). Like all of our audio content, Jesus Pancake will be available for free via all podcast platforms.
If you like audio fiction and like to pay the artists who make it, please contribute. In return, we will make awesome and compelling audio content for you to enjoy!
Thanks to a generous grant from Manbites Dog Theater Fund, we are 1/3 of the way toward our funding goal. We need your assistance to make it the rest of the way! We’d be grateful if you support our campaign with dollars, sharing this page, and spreading the good word far and wide about Artist Soapbox and the work we do.
Jesus Pancake is the fourth audio fiction project produced by Artist Soapbox. We released Master Builder in 2019, The New Colossus in 2020, and the Declaration of Love audio anthology in 2020. Due to its length and complexity, Jesus Pancake would be our most ambitious project yet!
Season One of Jesus Pancake, our newest original audio drama serial was written by the Soapbox Audio Collective Team One (Tamara Kissane, Mara Thomas, Katy Koop, Juliana Finch). The co-producers and co-directors for this project are Aurelia Belfield and Tamara Kissane.
Episodes 1-3 of Jesus Pancake were workshopped at University Theatre at NC State in September 2019. The writers conducted a Zoom reading in summer 2020 and have completed the second round of edits.
We have begun the pre-production work (casting, scheduling, rehearsing) with a plan to record in person in the studio in late fall 2021.
We estimate we will need 4-5 rehearsals and about 20 hours of studio time. Jesus Pancake will be released to the public when all nine episodes are completely sound designed.
Paying the people! Only about $2000 of this campaign will go to non-people (hosting and website, marketing, catering, etc). The rest of the funds raised will go to pay artists in our community. The more we raise, the more we can pay them for their awesome hard work.
If you’re eager for more audio fiction pieces by Artist Soapbox, be sure to listen to all 6 episodes of the ASBX shorts and check out our full length audio dramas THE NEW COLOSSUS and MASTER BUILDER, and the audio anthology DECLARATION OF LOVE available everywhere you get your podcasts.
Artist Soapbox on social media:
Twitter: @artist_soapbox
Instagram: @artistsoapbox