Welp. I guess I can!

That was me talking for an hour about writing — live on YouTube — and fueled by adrenaline and three cups of coffee! Wheee!
Did I add value to the conversation about writing during a pandemic? I dunno. But it was darn AMAZING to have a live chat with a real person in real time (remember when we got together and did that?) about how we strive to make work and make stories and make stories work. I was riffing, friends, and it was fun.
Big thanks to Keyanna Alexander for hosting so graciously on Theatre’s Not Dead yesterday.
Watch/listen: https://youtu.be/Oakpm9-ZpEU
And definitely listen to the episodes prior to mine. The guests are wonderful and wise.

Sending you all big writing vibes + love. Let me know what you think.
Hugs, Tamara