I hope this post finds you holding steady amidst the chaos. In case you are looking for a distraction or another way to fill your time and feel connected, here are three things I’m working on that you can access now and later this week:
Available NOW:

#1: I was on the radio on July 24 to have a quick chat with Dr. B on WHUP (a local radio channel). We talked about Piedmont Laureate-ing, audio dramas, writing, and the pandemic. (Listen here starting at the 25 min mark.)

#2: A short monologue of mine was featured on PlayMakers Repertory Company‘s page as part of THE STUCK MONOLOGUES
My piece, Leveraging Mr. Bumble, is live and ready for an audience. (There are 10 pieces total, so be sure to watch mine (#4) and the other 9. So good!!)
I’m grateful for this opportunity and astonished to be included in such a talented group.
Here’s the premise of THE STUCK MONOLOGUES from the PlayMakers’ site:
“As early quarantine days had us feeling “stuck,” we called upon some of our favorite local playwrights to turn that feeling into art. Then members of your favorite acting company, past and present, worked their magic in bringing those monologues to life. We gave our playwright friends a “recipe” to turn our common moment of being stuck into something creative:
- It must have at least one local reference
- It must contain at least one joke.
- It must fit well under the title of “stuck.””
July 29 (Tix available now):

#3: I’m thrilled to be talking about Audio Drama (writing + producing) with the incredible Aurelia Belfield on Weds, July 29 at 11am as part of Women’s Theatre Festival. Please join us!
Grab a ticket at:
(If you want to be there, but $$ is tight right now, then contact me.)
Here’s the description:
The Art of Writing and Producing Audio Drama
Scripted audio fiction (also known as audio dramas, narrative audio, or radio plays) has long captured listeners’ imaginations. In this time of increased isolation, theatre-practitioners can continue offering compelling stories to their audiences via immersive and intimate podcast dramas.
Join producer Aurelia Belfield and writer/director Tamara Kissane for an informal conversation about adapting theatre scripts into audio dramas, with special focus on their most recent project: THE NEW COLOSSUS.
Topics include: collaboration, producing and writing for this new format, adaptation of classic works, directing audio-only works, advantages of working with audio dramas, and avoiding common pitfalls.
Sending you love and good vibes, sincerely,