CANCELLED: Sunday, Mar 22 at 2pm
Please email to be on the waitlist or to tell me that you’d like to participate later in the year! Thanks!
The experiment continues! We had such a great time at the November and December events, that we’ve decided to let the good times continue to roll.
Public Works has been scheduled for January, February, March and April. See below for dates and writing prompts for the next FOUR months!

Writer-folx and aspiring writers, read the information below (including the FAQs), then email to claim a spot. First come, first served. Please include your preferred month in the email.
- Sunday, Jan 19 at 2pm
- Sunday, Feb 23 at 2pm
- Sunday, Mar 22 at 2pm – CANCELLED
- Sunday, Apr 19 at 2pm
- January’s prompt is ROOTS
- February’s prompt is WINGS
- March’s prompt is MOON
- April’s prompt is STAR
Artist Soapbox presents Public Works
Experience audio micro-fiction!
Sip a beverage!
Close your eyes, and be transported by a group of local writers performing their short works in progress (5 mins or less) based on a new writing prompt each month.
Performances will be followed by a conversation with the writers about their creative process and writing for audio. This is a chill and casual event to support local artists as they develop material for a new medium.
Cost: Suggested donations for beverages and a tip jar for ASBX.
Sponsored by Artist Soapbox and Mettlesome
Location: Okay Alright, 401 W Geer St Suite A, Durham, NC, 27701
Time: 2:00-3:30pm (or so)
writer FAQs about Public Works:
What type of writing are you looking for?
Writing that can be performed as an audio piece by a solo voice or a duo in less than five minutes. Use the prompt for that month as inspiration. Please create a piece to be spoken and listened to rather than read on a page. Possibilities could include stories, monologues, spoken word poetry, a mixture of singing and speaking, scenes, etc. I am calling this ‘micro-fiction,’ so prepare a completed piece rather than a 5 minute excerpt of something longer. Your work can be shorter than 5 minutes. If SFX (sound effects) suit your piece, you are welcome read them out loud like stage directions or vocalize them. Example: Whoooosh. Bam! Creak.
How are you deciding who to include?
First come first served. Send an email to me if you are committed to presenting. I will keep a waitlist once we’re full. I’m seeking 5 writers for each month. I do not curate nor do I critique for this event. It’s self-selected and motivated by the writers who want to share their work in progress.
Can I have my work performed every month?
No. Let’s feature lots of different people.
Do I need to have a finished piece today?
No. You need to have a finished piece sent to me 2 weeks prior to the performance date just so I have proof that you have something in the can. Please write to the prompts for each month. These ARE works in progress, so this doesn’t need to be your final draft at all. The point is for you to get it in front of a live audience to hear how it lands and then if you want, you can make edits.
What is the vibe?
Casual and chill. No stress. Easy peasy. Each writer will have 5 minutes to read, then we’ll have a short group conversation about the writing process, and then we will hang out. There will be beverages….you get the idea. You do not have to have anything memorized. Think of it like an open mic, except we already know who is going to be presenting and it’s thematically linked.
Will there be any tech?
Nope. No foley. No microphones. Just a small group of listeners (30-ish seats) and raw voices.
Do I need to perform my own piece?
No. If you have an actor in mind, feel free to reach out to them and make that happen. If you need help, let me know.
Will there be a critique of my writing?
No. I will facilitate the conversation at the end and will not be asking audience for feedback like ‘what did you like/not like’? We will be talking about writing with audio in mind and about creative process.
Will I get paid? Will my actor get paid?
Do I have to invite people to come?
Yes. Emphatically yes. It is the expectation that you will invite your people and not rely on Artist Soapbox and Mettlesome to do the entirety of the marketing. You can emphasize fun and casualness.
What if I’m not a writer?
I cannot emphasize enough how affirming and low stress this is. Take a chance, share your work, and feel the love. If you have questions, email
Thanks! Tamara